Benchmark your startup's performance

How is your revenue growth compared to thousands other startups? Is your team size above or below median? Benchmark your company against our data and get your free report.

    Get your tailored benchmark report in your inbox

    We will not share your personal data with anyone without your consent.
    If we believe your data looks promising for potential VCs in our network we will reach out to you.
    Your data may be used to finetune our benchmarks but will never ever be published.

    We build tools, processes, and we coach product, sales, and growth teams worldwide.
    Over the past 20 years, our team experts have helped hundreds of startups, investors, accelerators, and corporate innovators.

    How benchmarking works

    Through our products (Metabeta and DE Toolbox) and services (consulting and mentoring for founders, accelerators, micro-VCs) we have a large database of benchmarks for startups. They are gathered and analyzed based on tens of thousands of data points from thousands of startups. We are building a benchmarking tool, but for now, we offer this as a free service to the first 100 startups who sign up.

    After submitting your data, you will receive a PDF report covering benchmarking data for:

    • Revenue growth and retention
    • Customer growth and retention
    • Customer acquisition efficiency
    • Other relevant metrics (CAC Payback, etc.)

    Benchmarks are specific by industry, company size, recurring revenue, and funding.

    All your data will be kept 100% confidential and used only to generate the report. We will not share it with third parties. You can read more in our privacy policy.