Accelerator management tools

Metabeta helps accelerators collaborate on startup evaluations, connect founders with mentors and track metrics for your startup portfolios

    Looking for an accelerator management platform?

    Plans starting from 99EUR / month


    applications processed


    mentoring sessions managed


    reviewers on the platform


    startups waiting to be onboarded

    Dealflow pipelines customized for startup selection process

    • Sales process focused on common best practices for accelerators
    • See how applicants progress through each stage
    • Easily move a startups from one stage to another and see how your pipeline develops

    Collaborate with investment & diligence partners

    • Invite reviewers to individual cohort application process
    • Collect feedback and ratings for each startup in a single place
    • Share your pipelines with active investment partners if needed

    Connect reviewers with founders during application process

    • Reviewers can ask questions directly in the application
    • Founders can provide additional feedback and respond to questions
    • Reviewers can share feedback with the startup, or privately with the diligence team

    Simplify your mentor network management

    Manage all mentors and mentor sessions in one place

    Automate dealflow communication

    Send automatic emails at every step of the funnel

    Complete team and startup profiles

    Easily access and review each startup profile and team profiles

    Multiple investment pipelines

    Open and manage as many programs / funds as you need


    Understand when and how mentors and founders engage

    Application landing page

    Create application pages easily for each program.

    Growing platform of early stage investment management tools

    Powering ecosystems around the world

    Interested in activating and managing your angel network? Want better portfolio management?