Discover european startups

The most interesting European startups delivered to your inbox.

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Discover startups you can partner with

We help Corporate Venture teams find the right founders to work with and boost their innovation strategy. We identify the most promising startups from Europe as soon as they enter or graduate an accelerator program and deliver qualified leads to your inbox — ready to be imported into any CRM.


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Signals verified



What do you get?

200+ European startups every month, with an average cost of €0.2–0.3 each. It would take an investment analyst more than 50 hours to find and research them. You do the math!

We’re using a combination of scraping tools, enrichment APIs, and self-learning algorithms to identify relevant startup signals—such as being accepted into an accelerator program or graduating from one recently.

We then enrich the information and verify it manually, so that we can bring you startup leads ready to import in your CRM or to get in touch with them. Here is a list of the properties that you get for most startups:

Company name Company logo Company description Company website Company LinkedIn* Company Crunchbase* Company city Company country Company industries Founder name Founder email* Founder Linkedin* Signal type Signal date Accelerator name Accelerator location

* Not all companies have Crunchbase or LinkedIn profiles.
** We may not have the email/LinkedIn for up to 10% of the founders in our list (they are either too early or in stealth mode); nevertheless, we chose to include the companies, they could still be interesting.

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  • Minimum 200 startups/month
  • Accelerator signals
  • Delivered every two weeks
  • Filterable Airtable
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  • Minimum 200 startups/month
  • Accelerator signals
  • Delivered every two weeks
  • Filterable Airtable
  • Cancel anytime